Here’s 5 tips to help you survive in the unforgiving world of Drova – Forsaken Kin
Being transported by ancient magic to the land of Drova is perilous. There’s magic, monsters and other malicious folks that await on the other side of the portal that would love to cut your journey short in cold blood. Here are 5 tips to stay alive and standing in the lands of Forsaken Kin

1. Environmental awareness, perception, and herbs
One of the mechanics that makes Drova unique is the ability to investigate areas and objects by holding down the right mouse button as a “perception check.” Use the ability to see past objects that block your view from the camera’s perspective like plants and stone structures. Should you find anything of interest, you’ll need to move up close to small objects to see if you can pick them up on the ground or a surface. Having an eye for finding items is especially helpful so keep an eye out for breakable objects while exploring, healing herbs to stabilize in battle, mushrooms and other vegetables for cooking meals.
2. Combat speed and timing
There are 4 melee weapon types used in Drova. Spears, Axes, Swords, and Knives all have their unique strengths with the main tradeoff between these being that slower weapons deal more damage and smaller weapons attack faster. There is a tutorial quest in the first populated area that details how blocking works and demonstrates sword and shield or Two Handed weapon fundamentals, but the introduction doesn’t mention how the off hand can also be used for a light ranged weapon like the sling early on. You still take small amounts of damage when blocking, but if you don’t carry a shield then timing your dodges will be your best bet. Try out combinations of alternate attacks for different weapons to find your play style, but it is always effective to land multiple hits when possible by timing your followup attacks during the animation for big damage.

3. Teachers & Learning points
As you level up you’ll earn learning points to enhance your abilities but you’ll need a teacher to help you spend them. Teachers throughout Drova specialize in different skills, but you’ll have to ask the people of each town about the whereabouts of each teacher to upgrade your skills. You won’t be able to craft anything until you put your first points into the crafting skill, so be sure to invest in it early.
4. Off Roading
While it is mentioned in game, it bears repeating that if you go off the trails while traveling the wilds become significantly more dangerous. It’s easy to get side tracked while gathering materials, but be careful not to get surprised by groups of enemies. You don’t need to take them all on, but if you get overwhelmed, running back toward town will offer you some support from the citizens.

5. Faction Friends & Foes
Towns you visit have a faction affiliations, so be careful about what information you divulge about your quests or intentions. Some unsavory characters may even take you captive and derail your travel plans entirely, so remain cautious when interacting with suspicious characters and choosing your dialog options.
While Drova – Forsaken Kin may be challenging, the difficulties are rewarding in both skills and storytelling. While there isn’t much penalty for falling in battle on the normal difficulty setting, the game offers a wholly different experience when playing on the harder “Ironman” autosave mode. As the mysteries of the relic you carry unfold, keep these tips in mind and Drova may let you survive the roads ahead.